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How Loss Led Carrie Cardozo to Mastering Her Psychic Gifts

Mar 17, 2025

Have you ever sensed something before it happened? Wondered if you have intuitive abilities waiting to be explored? In this episode, I sit down with Carrie Cardozo, a remarkable master psychic, healer, and entrepreneur, to dive into the truth about intuition, spiritual gifts, and how to fully embrace your inner knowing.

đź”® Carrie shares her powerful journey into discovering her abilities, the defining moments that shaped her path, and why she believes everyone has access to their own intuitive power. We also explore practical ways to strengthen your intuition, align with your purpose, and embrace the unseen guidance always surrounding us.

✨ In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Carrie’s journey through the earth shattering loss of her partner
  • How Carrie uncovered her gifts and transformed her life
  • The biggest misconceptions about psychics and intuitive abilities
  • Practical ways to develop and trust your intuition
  • The role of energy alignment in success and manifestation
  • What it really means to step into your soul’s purpose


This is a conversation you won’t want to miss! Tune in now and start embracing the gifts already within you. 💫


Show Notes:





Podcast: “The Psychic Within”

Carrie Cardozo is a Master Psychic Leader, Master Healer, Business Consultant, Author, Podcast Host, and Creator of Soul Theory-her #1 Psychic Development Community.

Carrie was born a psychic and used her abilities in her early childhood unbeknownst to her. She believed that there was nothing different about her and thought that everyone saw the people and energy that she saw daily.

It wasn’t until her visions started to all come to fruition and tragedy struck that she dug deeper into who she was and what she was meant to be doing with her psychic gifts.

Carrie works with experts, authorities and leaders in their field to teach them how to open, connect and activate their gifts and understand how to use them with power, integrity and accuracy in their business.

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Episode Transcipt:

 Hey, beautiful souls. In today's episode, in just a minute, I am going to introduce you to someone named Carrie Cardozo. She is an incredible master psychic, but she has all of the gifts. So she's also a healer and an entrepreneur, and we're going to learn so much about her, the way she works, how she came into her gifts. Everyone has a story of how they come into her their gifts and hers is actually pretty profound. So I won't talk on too long before we get started, but it's it's interesting. Carrie and I have actually have some friends in common, and have been just crossing paths and missing each other. So this was a wonderful chance to get to learn more about her, to get to connect with her, and she really is a medium psychic healer, reader leader that has a lot of integrity and that has such strong belief in this idea that everyone has these psychic abilities, and anyone can learn to use their own Gifts, which you guys know I feel very strongly about. So without further ado, I'm so excited to introduce you to Carrie Cardozo. Hey, beautiful souls. Welcome back, or welcome in for another episode of spirit speakeasy, I am very excited to introduce our guest today. I'm just gonna launch into her bio, because I'm really chomping at the bit to get into this conversation, our guest today is Carrie Cardozo. She is a master psychic leader, Master Healer, business consultant, author, podcast host and creator of soul theory, which is her number one psychic development community. Carrie was born a psychic and used her abilities in early childhood, unbeknownst to her, she believed that there was nothing different about her and thought that everyone saw the people and energy that she saw daily. It wasn't until her vision started to come to fruition and tragedy struck that she really dug deeper into who she was and what she was meant to be doing with her psychic gifts. Carrie works with experts, authors, authorities, leaders in their field, and teaches them how to open, connect and activate their gifts and understand how to use them with power, integrity, accuracy and for their business. Welcome in. Carrie, Cardozo,
thank you for having me. I'm very excited to be here. I am really excited.
I actually just want to give you a little compliment. As we're getting started, I was just going through some of your material. You have your own podcast, as we just mentioned, and you've been interviewed quite a bit, and I really love the way that you seem to be making an intentional effort to get clear with language. It's one of my kind of constant points in this work. We don't have this universal language. So I really appreciate you trying to make sure you're defining things for people as you go.
Thank you. And I do that because one of the things that I have found is that I didn't learn from anybody else but myself. So I have my own words for some things, and I'll say something, and people are like, Oh, but somebody else says it means this. I always explain. I try to really explain it so people really get it, and they're not just going off of what they think something means,
which I think is so important, because there is already so much stigma and confusion and misunderstanding in this work. If it's okay with you, I would love to start at the beginning and just invite you to share some of your story of how you came into your gifts. I know we all come into this work a little differently. Yeah,
yeah. I would love to. So I came into my gifts slowly. I guess I came into them slowly. So I was born a psychic, but like you, like you said in my bio, I didn't realize that people weren't seeing spirits that everybody didn't see them, that people didn't see the things that I saw and and I was really in a space of going back and forth between, am I just imagining this stuff? Is it? Am I just seeing it in my head, versus does it really exist? And life got busy. I had a child, very young in life. I got married, very young, and life just got crazy and and lots of things unfolded in about the age of 2827 28 around there, I was talking to one of my very close friends, and I was going through a divorce, and I remember saying to her, like, I'm so disappointed in myself and I'm so stressed and, you know, and she's trying to, you know, make me feel better. I'm, you know, 28 years old, three kids about to get divorced, and and I said to her, Well, you know, I don't know why I'm so upset, because we see everything that happens to us in our life. And she was like, We what? And I was like, Oh, we see all these events. And she was like, No, we don't. And I was like, Oh, wait, you don't see all the events in your life, like my daughter being born, me being diagnosed with cancer, my parents separating, getting divorced, I'd already seen it all, and because life was so crazy, I just kind of blew it off and like I thought about it and would come back in but then fast forward about five years, and I was running a $16 million company, not my. Owned some a different person's company, and I was building this new life. I'd met this amazing man. We were building a future together. And one Sunday morning, I woke up and he had passed away. Wow, I found him unresponsive, and it totally shattered my entire life. And no longer did I care about the successes in my business about so like nothing. It's almost like everything that I had ever cared about didn't exist anymore. And I set out on this journey of really understanding what happened when we passed. And very early on, I ended up meeting mediums and psychics. And every single time I met one, they'd be like, but you're psychic, like you have the gifts, like it's you. And as I kept saying this to me, I started to realize, like when Mike passed, I could feel him. Immediately. I could hear him. I woke up the morning of his passing and heard he had passed before I found him. Wow, there was just so many things. And I can remember even being in this space multiple different places, whether it was when I first found him, or in the hospital or at his funeral, of just feeling this intense energy of calmness and everything was going to be okay, and just knowing and that is really what started my journey. As when he passed, it threw me into this need to really understand the spirit world, to really understand energetics and mediumship and psychic abilities. And very quickly, I started to see that all the things in the ways that I had been living my life and that I had been experiencing life, were very different than other people, and that I already was getting the messages. And I remember one medium was like, she said, Oh, you know, I did a past life regression with her, or something. I was told by my guides to go see her for past life regression. So I did, and she had asked me, like, why I was there, what brought me there? And I said, Oh, my fiance passed. She goes, Well, I can speak to him for you. And I was like, Well, I can speak to him and and later on, she goes, when you first told me that? I was like, this girl's crazy, you know, like she can talk to her, you know, her, her fiance, her past fiance, but when we actually sat down to do the call to do the session, he said to her, I will not speak to it. Only speak to Carrie. And she was blown away. She was like, Oh my gosh, like you really do speak to him. And so that really started my journey of my psychic gifts and being open to my psychic gifts. Well,
I'm so sorry for your loss. First, I can imagine, you know, you had just gone through it sounds like a really tough divorce. I don't think any divorce is easy, even, even the amicable ones, but it sounds like yours was extra tough. We have so many matching pictures. It's so interesting. As I've kind of listened to your story through other people, and I can't even imagine you restart this life, you find this partner, you feel like, okay, this is it. Things are going I'm in this company, and then I'm sure it just feels like the rug gets pulled out from under you. Yeah, I would love to just dive or dig a little deeper into how you said that you kind of saw or knew or understood some of these points in your life a little bit ahead, I think again, with the language, it can be so confusing, because we all experience things a little bit differently as well. Will you just talk a little bit about how that was showing up for you, how you were it sounds like you were maybe understanding it in a softer way and and in the background a little bit. But I'd love to hear from you,
yeah. So as a as a young child, I would say, between the ages of about four or five and probably about 10 years old, maybe maybe 12. But then it was like, you get caught up in your middle school, teenage years, you know. So I would be in my room doing something, and I would see a vision, and all of a sudden I would find myself in the vision, almost like acting it out in my room. And then it would like, hit me. And I would open my eyes and be like, That was so weird. Like, why was I doing that? And this were things such as, I knew I can remember at about six years old, not even knowing how babies were made. At six years old, like, I lived in, you know, like a really small town. We didn't watch TV. We weren't allowed to watch TV. I don't even know how babies were made. And waking up frantic that I was pregnant, frantic. And then I'd be like, wait a second, why would I have a baby? And like, it would be these weird things like that. I saw myself having cancer. I would see these visions very, very clearly. And that continued on into my adult life. In my fiance, I can remember being in the shower, washing my hair, and seeing him in a hospital bed, seeing him unresponsive, being at his funeral, I would see these glimpses. It's like rapid succession of visions that I would see, and then all of a sudden I'd be like, Why am I thinking about that? That's just so weird. And then just go on with my life. And this happened over and over and over. So these things became almost like I wouldn't be thinking about them every day in the moment, but when they would happen, I'd be like, Oh my god, I saw this. I saw this exactly how it's unfolding. And some things were exact, and some things were not exactly. But I can remember so clearly getting out of the limo at my wedding, 19 years old, and there I was just almost like, hit with this energy, and just. Saw very clearly that we would not stay together. We just would not stay together. Yeah, and so I have always had these. I still have them. They're just these really deep knowings as well as visions that come. I'm a I'm a seer. I can do every gift, but seeing is the one that just always, I'm always seeing energy. So I would see them, and then they would unfold so
interesting. I can recall points like that too through childhood, where it's like mine was maybe a little different than the way you're describing it, or maybe similar. And we just have different words, but it's just these flashes of things. And you I might think at the time, oh, this, why am I thinking of this? Or this is weird. And then, like you said, you just go on about your life, and sometimes it's a long period of time later, and all of a sudden something strikes you or me as like, oh, wait a minute, I saw this already, or I knew this, or I had an inkling of this or and it's come lots of different ways over the years. I really think most people have some version of that. And one of the things I love that I've heard you say is something I'm always beating the drum of, is that we're so conditioned in our society, in our culture, in our world, to, you know, not trust ourselves inside, to look outside for answers, to think other people know better for us than us. And so we get conditioned kind of off of these knowings that we have and think like, oh, I can't trust that. Or that's weird. I need to put that to the side. How did you finally, because it sounds like it's a little bit of a whirlwind as you're coming to maybe accept your gifts, how did you finally start to shift to the way that you're working with them and work in more of an intentional way? So
and I totally agree with you. First of all, I think every single person has that knowing, and I believe every single person is psychic, yeah, totally, yeah. And we get those and whether it's because, I think it's for multiple different reasons, whether it's because your soul is has access to the blueprint and it's a faded event under your blueprint and you already know it, or because you're connected to a potential that you've already created based on things that you've done. And it's just showing your soul you know your soul, showing you of what you've created and what can unfold. Yeah, um, but for me personally, with my gifts, because I went from like, okay, here I am just navigating through life, and spirit shows me things when it wants to show me things, or spirits show up when they want to. I am one of those people that if I'm going to do something or know something, I master it. And so about six months after my fiance passed away, I lost my job, my there had been a freak accident the week that I was away for my fancy funeral, and when I came back, that freak accident ended up unfolding to my boss basically losing his businesses based on his choices. So I lost my job, and here I was, three children, single mom, fully responsible for everything and no job. And about a month or two leading up to that, my guides kept saying to me, you have to leave. You have to leave. You have to do this. You have to do this. So luckily, I had the means, and I spent the next 18 months and not only doing this, but a good portion of my time just mastering my psychic abilities. I would bring my kids to school in the morning, and I would spend that solid six and a half hours that I had, or five and a half hours, depending on, you know, the time frame, just practicing my psychic abilities by myself or with my guides. And I really dug into what does this mean? Show me this. Show me this. Help me to understand this. And there they were incredibly supportive. But also I very clearly knew this is what I had to do. And there were periods of time during that 18 months that I would work on my business, or do something else, or, you know, try to I started a podcast, but I spent so much, I wrote a fiction book that has never been published, I
was gonna ask you, what did you think your business was at that time that you were working on, I
thought I was a business consultant. Yeah, that I was just gonna go because that's what I did. I ran, I was a chief operating engineer of this big corporation, and I was in this space of like, I'm just gonna go do business consulting. Business is something I'm really good at. And every single time I did it, my guys were like, No, you have to. You're a psychic. And I was like, No, I'm not. Like, I am not. That's not going to be your work. And I really spent a ton of time on my gifts and abilities. So after that 18 months worth of time, there was nothing the psychic world I couldn't do. There was I had met probably about four or five different psychics who I thought, along the way, were going to help me, and I ended up teaching them. So there I had walked out of that 18 months phenomenally connected. I trusted my accuracy was close to 100% like it was very, very powerful transition in time for me, and I really did dedicate a lot of my energy to that. That's all I did. I lost friends, I cut out activities that I was doing. I really just focused on the healing that I needed to do from losing my partner, yeah, the healing for my children, and really focusing on what was next for myself. One of the things
I've heard you say that I love, that I don't feel like enough psychics and mediums are saying, Is it really does all hinge on us and knowing ourselves, understanding our own energy, understanding my work. We call it discernment, but understanding, oh, this is an emotion that I'm having or something that I'm going through, versus, oh, this is information about you or about someone else in the room, or so I love this idea that you you really did have to do some of your own healing and some of your own understanding through this development. Is that where I know all of these gifts you said you really are self taught, or guide taught, or whatever version of that fits, yeah, is that also where the healing aspect of your work comes in? Did you kind of learn it all in that 18 month period?
I learned a lot of the foundations of it in that 18 month period. Now I will tell you what I have I'm still learning to this day. Like, yeah, I'm always learning. So I don't mean, like, I learned everything in the 18 months, and now it's just, you know, just doing it, um, but yeah, a lot of it, and I did primarily my own healing during that time as well. But also the other aspect is I had three children, and they had suffered a tremendous loss, yeah, and it sent one of my children into medical issues from anxiety and from a whole slew of things. And so when my son was about 13 years old, so it was a couple, it was a couple years after, it was about right after the 18 month mark, he The doctor told me that he had, he had an autoimmune disorder, and it had caused blindness in what I and the doctor was like, He's going to go blind in the other eye. There's really nothing we can do but put an implant in Can we do that? And I was like, no, no, no, no, you can't do that. And so I consulted with my guides and and I say this with a caution to anybody listening this. I need very good psychic. I 100% trust my guides. I know what I'm hearing is accurate. And I pulled my son out of medical treatment with the knowing that in three months he would go blind, totally blind, and I did not bring him back to a doctor for three years. His vision is 2020, in that eye, and I did a ton of work on him, directed by my guides with also like knowing myself, knowing energy. I'm a phenomenal energy reader and energy mover. And so I really had like on the job training between helping my children, healing myself, I was brought a couple people during that time as well who really wanted me to help. And it was one of those, I'll help you, and I'll tell you what to do, but you make your own decisions. You know that one of those things. So everything I've ever done, it's been through hands on, getting the energy here you are. You have to figure this out. And it has been a very powerful period of time for me back then, but still, now, I still feel like I'm always learning. You know, it is
one of the, one of the many things I really appreciate about you as I'm kind of, I'm always saying that as well. We're always learning and growing as long as we're here. I had one of my mentors passed away a couple years ago, and she was in her 80s, and she would say the same thing that, you know today I know this, or I understand this, but in 10 years, we might understand differently. So I think it is just such an important thing for people to realize, like you said, it's not just like, we go into this little training and then boom, we're done. And it's like, you know, smooth sailing from there, life is still happening. Chaotic things are still going on. We still have kids and families to attend to. How did you it really sounds like you just went through so much leading up to this discovery and one thing after another. How did you find, I guess, the confidence within yourself. How did you really move through all of that self doubt that we all have to step into your empowered authority in this way. It's pretty incredible.
Yeah, thank you. Thank you. And I'll tell you what, it wasn't easy. Like, none of this stuff is easy at all, and that, I know a lot of people struggle with this, and even to this day, I think any single time I'm like, really expanding or doing something crazy, I'm always like, oh, gotta figure this out again. So I think a huge part of my confidence comes from my trust in myself, my abilities, and just knowing that like no one else is going to fix this for me, I was a young mom three kids. I am, you know, 99% of time solely responsible for them, and I know that if I don't show up for myself, nobody else is going to show up either. Yeah, and the things, one of the things that was really important to me was to understand what was going on in my life and what was going on with me, as well as what I was really here to do. So the more that I trusted myself and knew what I was capable of and believed in myself, that everything else I knew I could navigate through. Um, but I will tell you the one thing that I always say, and I don't know if this is like, the best thing to say or not, but even my kids say it is that I'm always like, you know, when Mike died, it was the hardest time of my life, the worst time. The only thing that got me through were my children. And whenever I face something hard, I'm like, Listen, I got through Mike dying, this is nothing. This is a breeze. And I really do look at that. I look and celebrate the things that I was able to overcome, and recognize that the other things that we're going through, they're not that big of a deal. And if I could do one, I can do the other. And it also taught me, you know, when I think this is maybe one of the most important things is that the most important thing in life are the people that you care about. It's not a car that you drive, it's not even the impact that you make on the world. It is the connections that you have and the people that mean most to you. Everything else can be taken away, even those people, even those people, and so I really pay attention to the things that are most important to me and the things that light me up the most, and I make sure I focus on those instead of the things that are making me uncomfortable. I do the uncomfortable things, yeah, but, but life is really about aligning with the things and connecting with those things that really make us feel at home, have that peace feeling, and that is what I will go back to a lot of the time. I
think it's so important, because I think often people have a misconception about this work, and we still have very human lives. Is kind of the way I always say it. How do you I want to I will kind of come back to wanting to understand how you went from that getting fired and having to recreate your own business, to stepping in to the business world as a psychic, which is a whole different thing, but with such a busy life and so much that you hold How do you like Do you have any tips and tricks to carve out those times or be more intentional with the relationships that you create space for?
Yeah, and actually, it's been a priority of mine lately. I recently bought another business, so I own a couple of things, and yeah, it's been I went from having, you know, I only worked a couple hours a day on a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, to now I literally work around the clock. And so I really have had to work to carve out that time because my spiritual practices, my energy maintenance, time with my children. Yeah, I love to travel. I have big like sport dog working dogs, and so there's a lot of things that I like to do. And so it is so important to be intentional about what's most important to you. So even if that means that, like, you wake up 15 minutes earlier just to have that quiet time. My quiet time is where I, like, do my channeling, connecting with my guides, and so I'm really intentional about the things that help me to be successful. And I don't just mean like, what move the number on, you know, on your bank account. Successful. I'm
successful as a human, not a business
like I actually feel good today. I'm not burnt out. I'm loving what I'm doing. You know, I'm I'm reaching my goals. I have great relationships, and so I really do carve out a lot of time for myself. And as a single mom, that was very hard, not just time wise, that was hard, but feeling guilty, feeling like I needed to give my kids everything that they desired, or if I was going away by myself, or my kids missing out because there were years that I did not have the extra income, the extra money, I just didn't have it. And so really being intentional about what I specifically needed, and making space in my calendar and my day in every day to do that, I remember when I first started my business and have money at all my if anything, my accounts were in the negative. I still remember being like I'm going to do when I have money, because it's always like, when I do this, I'm going to do one self care for myself a month. I do it every day, if not twice. Now, you know, like it's just so stinking important to whether it's walking in the woods, connecting with yourself, going for a massage, just sitting and, you know, in silence, just being there, it just completely changes everything. And it helps you to be able to hold the energy that you need, especially as a psychic, helps you to navigate your businesses, helps you to be there for the people that you want to whether it's for your children or your partners, or, you know, your animals or friends. It doesn't matter, but I'm able to have amazing relationships, you know, great connection to my kids. Be able to travel for events, run multiple companies, because I'm intentionally taking care of myself. It's so important.
And I think it's really also important just to acknowledge that it can look different ways at the different ages and stages of our lives. I also started having kids young, and was a young mom and a single mom for a long time. My kids are grown now, so my life looks very different in the time, but to your point, I can remember a time where I had a Wellness Center and was primarily a massage therapist and was going in. Uh, more than I start at an hour early just to, like, keep the towels in the room, and I started going in two hours early, sometimes at like, 530 in the morning to get my meditation time or to get so and it doesn't have to be expensive self care. Anyone can start right where they are and be doing little things, whether it's like you said, a walk in the woods, or just five minutes alone in your car, or start where you are, sounds like a really important piece of
it. There was even a time, a period of time you might relate to this, that going to the grocery store by myself was, like, self, oh my gosh,
yeah, such a treat, right?
Yeah, it was so, you know. So it doesn't have to be expensive, but it's what you need most,
yeah, and it will expand and change. And I feel like, for me and the way I view it, I think even our relationship with our psychic gifts is important. I think people often my one of the drums I'm always beating is like, it's not a light switch, it's a relationship. It's having a relationship with that understanding and however our gifts present, and whichever versions we're working on or with right now, but it's that it's building a relationship. It's not just clicking a light switch. Of, you know, I always joke, and early in my work, I got the books and sat with the crystals on my head and trying to, like, open things and turn them on. And now I'm like, Oh, that's so ridiculous. Like, it's a relationship, not a light switch. And I think it's just so important for anyone who's trying to develop their own gifts. Or, you know, something else I heard you say that I'd love to chat about, is the future is psychic, like it is something that's going to be expected of everyone. It's something we all have access to, this group of unseen, non physical senses. So really, just, I guess, making space as we all shift and grow and awaken to some degree, right? Yeah,
one of the things that I say to my clients is you psychic isn't being psychic isn't like being a dentist, like if you're at the dentist office, you're working and performing on a client. Being psychic is part of who you actually are, so you don't shut your eyes when you walk into a room because you're done seeing for the moment. You don't shut your ears off. So our psychic abilities don't shut off. So you're not like, Oh, I'm psychic, and I do a session, and then I go about my day, and I ignore all the the gifts that I have or the way that I can navigate life. It's a way of being, it's who you are. So we don't shut our gifts off, we integrate them into the way that we're living our life. And the more you integrate your gifts, they're your soul gifts. So if you're in this life to really access your soul, then you also are in this life to access your psychic gifts. Soul is energy source, psychic gifts. So they go hand in hand, so we don't connect to our soul to find out something and then go live in our ego and live in our human we find this beautiful way to integrate it in every aspect of our life. And when we're able to do that, we see the world differently, and we process the world differently. So we're able to process the energetic aspect of the world, not just the, you know, the sounds and the physical we're actually seeing the energetics. This helps us to make more aligned decisions. Helps us to keep the people in our life that we want to helps us to manifest faster, stay healthier. It just completely changes the way you live your life, because you're not shutting off the energetic aspect. And energy is in every single thing. So the reason the future is psychic is because of the fact that the energy around us, the vibration is rising, which means it's impacting us harder and faster, and it's going to have a bigger role in everyone's life. And so the more that you can access your own psychic abilities and actually work with the energetics of the universe, because of the fact that it's their potent more than ever, the more successful you will be in your life, in your relationships, in the impact that you want to make, and it's part of the process. It's part of what we're here to do. Do you think
so for me, I don't. I agree with you. I don't think we turn it on and off and it's on sometimes and off sometimes. I do feel like we can more intentionally focus our awareness to the book we're reading. Or Yeah, sure, maybe we might still be seeing mental pictures or receiving information in other ways. But do you encourage your clients and students to just be intentionally focusing their awareness to you know, I think we have so much coming at us all the time from all directions. I think if we're taking in every single thing all the time, then I think that's almost too much and overwhelming. So kind of learning how to more intentionally focus our awareness is that something that you suggest, maybe not in the way I'm saying it, but
yeah, yeah, 100% No, similar to the way you're saying it. So I use psychic senses the same way I would relate to any of my other senses. Yeah, if I walk into a mall, I'm not like scanning the mall to look at everybody's outfit and what they're doing. I'm focused on what I'm doing, right? So I'm not picking up other people's energy. I am a phenomenal energy blocker. I will block anyone's energy. I don't want anyone's energy on me, and I don't want anyone taking my energy. I'm not interested in reading everybody's energy. But I have a very powerful intention that I live my life by. I want to be in alignment with. Highest good. I want to be aware of the things that I need to be aware of. I want to be moving through this life with intention and with purpose. So I will be driving and I will hear, watch out. And I kid you not, half a mouth is straight. There's a cop. I'm like, thank you. So I have very clear intentions that I only get the information that I actually need, and I'm specific about it. So I don't want people's energy, of you know, the people I'm on the flight with, but if there's a danger on that flight, let me know. I want to know if I'm not supposed to be in a certain place, let me know. So I'm very and I don't mean let me know. Meaning like, oh, guides tell me. But my sensors will go off. I will be aware of that the same way I would. You know, have, you know, my eyes on certain things, like, if you have your kids and and my kids are older as well, so this doesn't pertain to me, but if you're out and about, and you have your kids, and you're they're running around, but you're watching them, and you're aware where, if you didn't have your kids in the moment, you might not be watching them like a hawk, like totally. So I encourage you to to use your psychic abilities in a way that supports you, not drains you. And I am not one of those like, pick up everything, read everything. You don't need that information. You don't need it. So it's just what I need, just what's going to be most important to keep me on my path of the highest good with the biggest impact that
I can make. I love the way you explain that too, because I do think it's such a common question or misconception for people that we're reading everyone all the time, and it's like, oh, I don't need to do that. I definitely have enough, you know, in my own human world happening or that's important to me to know something else that you talk about that I really love. Because I again, don't think enough are talking about it. Is this idea of like, where is your information coming from? Is this my own soul pinging me and saying, like, Alert, alert. Is this a red flag in my body? Is this a guide? Is this, you know, my grandma? Is this? Who is this information coming from? And it drives me a little bonkers. It's one of my little pet peeves. When someone's like, they're telling me that you need to did it down. I'm like, Oh, who's telling you like because I might take that information different. If it's like my grandma who never likes my haircut, or what I mean, like your soul is blending with mine and telling me this is the information you're discerning about the situation. I think it's just so important to I don't know, spread that word, because I don't know that. I think people get excited about the work, and then that discernment is not always part of the focus or intention. So I love that you focus on that too. Yeah,
I that is one of that is the most, hands down, the most important thing you can do as a psychic people do not realize, and I don't say this to scare people, because it shouldn't be scary, but it should be more powerful and help you to stand in your power is that as many good spirits as you know are out there, there's just as many mischievous and, quote, unquote, bad spirits and that can tell you information that you don't necessarily want or don't or isn't helpful. They can lead you, they can trick you, they can make you go astray. So when people say to me, Oh, I got this information, I'm like, well, where'd you get it from? And they're like, I don't know. It is actually really important for you to know. So one of the things that I work on, first and foremost, is I actually don't teach people how to connect with their guides or departed loved ones or anything else until I teach them how to read energetics. And here's a great example of this, and it's a touchy subject for some people, there was a phenomenal I don't I assume you know who Doreen Virtu is. I do, yeah, and several years ago, she came out saying that Jesus told her that the things that she was doing were the devil's work. And one of the things that is very clear, and if you're an energy reader, you can read the energy around the being who is communicating with her. And it is not Jesus. She is not communicating with Jesus. I know she thinks she is, but it's not spirits can lie to you. They can say whatever they want. Energy won't lie. And there's a difference there. So a being can come and tell you anything, but the energy behind the words that it's speaking to you will tell you something totally different. So an energy can show up and say, I'm your grandma. If you can tap, tap into energy, you'll know that's not my grandma. The same way somebody can knock on your front door and say, Hey, I'm the mailman. Not be dressed like the mailman or the police officer, or be dressed like that, and not be it. Spirits do it too. And a lot of people go astray in this space, because they're connecting to something that isn't what it says it is. And we see this a lot and more and more. You can call them like trickster guides or whatever, are coming to earth, because everybody wants to connect, and everybody wants information. This is why sometimes people connect with a psychic and they don't get accurate information. It's not that that psychic wasn't connecting, but they weren't connecting with valuable information. They weren't connecting with truth and light information. This is why all psychics and all mediums need to learn how to read energetics, not how to talk to beings. Once you learn how to read energetics, you can talk to beings, because even if a being comes forward, you do your discernment so you understand who that being. Being is and what they're here for. This is how you can tell the difference between whether you're talking to an angel or a celestial being, or an angel or an elemental or a fairy, reading their energetics, if you read their energetics, those are different. They feel totally
different. Truly. I'm so on board with you with this, and I always joke with my clients and students and communities and say, like, it's not the sexy work, so people don't want to do it, but the starting place is your own intuition, your own emotional processing. Because to your point, someone could be a psychic and blending with your energy and and truly connecting, but because they have some fear based thing that they haven't worked through, it's coming through that lens. So it is working with our own energy, under reading for ourselves, understanding our own emotions, and then if it's appropriate, or if it's part of that person's journey, we can, you know, not everyone's even drawn to mediumship, for example. So and I, I started very much that way, not like no mediumship release energy work and the psychic stuff. And then, then it was angels for me, and then it was guides later, and then it was the loved ones, the Spirit people like the loved ones on the other side were the very last and quite honestly, I wasn't interested. They started coming to me, and then I was like, okay, hold on. Like, what is this kind of like, you said? Like, what's happening mediumship, yeah, yeah. It's like, is do I Why do I know this information, you know, from this person, that is this person's validating. And so I think it's so important because people, you know, maybe see a medium on TV, which I think is wonderful, that it's becoming more in our common vernacular to even know these words and what this is. Of course, there's heavy editing that happens. We all know that, but they might think, oh, that's what I want to do. I want to be a medium. And then they want to jump into that pool, not realizing, like, Okay, well, how are you even discerning between two people if you don't even know what's happening in your own energy? So it's not that they can't do it. It's just that there's a progression that I think not everyone is super excited about.
It's not the pretty work at all. It's the uncomfortable, the tears, the it's just not but it is necessary. And I think, you know, to your point, a lot of psychics of the past didn't do it because healing wasn't a huge thing. And I, I've worked with a lot of psychics who were psychic and did this work longer than I am old, and one of the things that I work with them on is really understanding energetics, because mediums get burned out because of the grief and the heavy sadness around it. They take on that energy because they don't know how to work with their energetics. You know, there's a famous medium who's on TV, and there's a couple, but I'm not going to point out who he is. Every single time he's done filming, he ends up in the
hospital, sick, because I know what you're saying. I do. And I'm like, why are we not having boundaries? Why are we not separating? Why are we not why are we becoming it instead of, you know, working with it, right? And so, right?
It's one of the things that has to shift for psychics, is we can't just be a telephone. We are not just telephones. We absolutely have to stand in our power and discern who we're connecting with, why we're connecting, and do our own due diligence so those messages are crystal clear, instead of corroded through a filter or through an unintended being that you're end up speaking to.
Yeah, so all of it's so I'm always still learning. Like you said, it's all so fascinating. I do have a question on something. You've said a couple of things, so I want to work with this word energetic because I've heard you use it. I think what you mean is the energy of whatever it is, the energy of the person, the space, the timeline. Is that what you mean by energetics?
Yeah, but I explained energetics a little bit differently, and it's funny, because a woman explained it to me. You know, a woman really highlighted this. She's a psychotherapist, and she went through one of my psychic development programs last year, and she was like, Do you know that in school, they teach energetics as your emotions and your body language, that is not that is not energy, that is not the energetics we're talking about. What's behavior, right? Those are your human aspects. The energy is literally the vibration you're putting off, right? So when I talk about the energetics of something, it's just that vibration that's putting that you are putting off, not your you know, the things that you're saying, not how you're showing up, not your emotions. Those are different. So the energetics of something is literally just the energy you take. I see people with five aspects, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetics. So when I say energetics, it's just that one aspect,
okay, that's helpful, because it's, it is kind of the energy of but a little bit deeper than that, yeah, but I think it's, again, I'm so with the language, and it's important for us to understand what we're saying and what we're talking about. I want to circle back to how you came into this rise of what you do now, because it feels very different than managing fortune 500 companies. And I know we all have our own little journey about coming out of the broom closet. I used to joke with my first mentor and be like, I'm not going to be one of these people that just talks like this all the time in the world. And now here i. Am
and now you are, yeah, and I love it,
yeah. I remember saying, I'm not calling myself psychic, like I'm just not doing that word for a long time, yeah. Like I was in deep corporate I work with bankers, accountants, realtors, investors, doctors, lawyers, like in on a daily basis. And when I left, when I was I was let go from that company, and I was like, Okay, I'm going to do my own thing. And I knew, I knew I was psychic, I love that stuff. But I was like, No, that's what I'm passionate about. I've got to still manage businesses. Like, that's
not a real job as well. Like, that's not from Boston. Like, that's not a real Yeah.
I thought like, they're gonna think I'm goofy. It's, it's funny, it's just something. It's for haha. It's like, Yeah, I'm
gonna lose my credibility. I'm gonna one's gonna take me serious, yeah, especially I'm
coming off of, like, the loss of a partner, and now all of a sudden I can see dead people, you know, I just was like, this is silly. Like, I'm a very, you know, one of the things that I'm incredibly psychic, work with energetics all the time. But one of the things is I'm also very much a realist. I am not a super woo person. I'm very real, really very in reality. And so my guides were like, okay, that's fine. I learned all this psychic stuff, and then I was like, I need money now, because I went through my savings, went through all my credit cards, and now I need money. And I was like, I'm gonna go out there and be a business consultant. And my guides are like, No, you're gonna be a psychic. And I was like, No, you're like, anyway, we thought we fought. Fought for months, and I was struggling. My Accounts would go in the negative. There were times that I like, couldn't buy anything. It was hard. It was hard. Never lost my house, but it came very close to it multiple times. Never lost my car. Came very close to it multiple times. And finally I was like, I give up. Tell me. And they were like, all you have to do is call yourself a psychic. And I'd done all the leg work, like I went from in person stuff to bringing my business online. I met somebody who helped me start a podcast. Like I had a Facebook group, I had a program, I created, I had a website,
everything. So you're doing readings and programs and teaching and everything. Yeah, yeah, no. Psychic
stuff. I wasn't doing anything psychic stuff publicly. It was like, it created a program. I remember I sold one of them, and that was it. I created a program on how to start a business, on how to create a business. That's what I was good at, is businesses. And they're like, you have to call yourself a psychic. And I was like, No. And they're like, all the things that you're doing for yourself, you have to bring them into business. So I sat down with them. I was like, Why do I have to call myself psychic? And they said, because you're changing the way that people see psychics. You're changing the realm of psychic. We taught you new things. Psychics don't do this. You've been helping psychics. You're changing it. You have to let people accept you as a psychic. The first month. Now, mind you, before this, I'd spent like, 18 months, yeah, good, solid, 18 months not making any more than, like, $1,000 a month. That's it. And I came off of multiple Yeah. So I was like, Okay, I've got you something. And the month I called started calling myself a psychic. I made $10,000 that month, and it never dropped ever. And I was like, Oh, wow, okay. And what I realized is that this is my purpose. It's what I came here to do. There's a lot of things I'll channel. I step in and I do it. I create it, because of the fact that I know this is part of my soul's purpose here. It's what I'm meant to create. And the more that we do that. And it was, it's not easy. I fought, I resisted, even when I was making $10,000 a month, I was just like, No, this is uncomfortable. I can't tell this person. I can't let this person see it. And I can remember at one point my brother, who I respect, we have a great relationship with, but he was kind of like, you're a psychic,
like I've known y'all what's happening. Carrie,
like, I don't understand. And he was just like, you know, hey, and one of your posts about rainbows and butterflies, you you wrote the word, you know, a swear instead of what you meant to write. And I was like, oh, geez, you know, when I fixed it. And about six months later, I was like, You know what? I have to fix this. I have to work on my own internal belief about psychics, about how important this is, about the work that I do. And six months later, crazy things happen. And my brother came to me. He's like, I need your help. Like, what you do is freaking amazing. You you know? Like, there's something going on in my house. He had a spirit in his house and and he's like, I need your help. Like, this stuff is real, this is legit. And I was like, Yeah, what do you think I'm just like, playing over here, you know? And we had talked about business, and he was like, the money you make is freaking amazing. And that's really what I have been able to do, is to show people that you can that's being psychic and working with energetics is incredibly important across the board, in any industry, in anything you do, and you can make it incredibly successful in a very integrity filled way. And that has been really important for my clients, for myself, but also I really feel like, though, down the road, I don't feel like it's there yet. I would love for it to be there, but I don't feel like it is. I feel I. I know psychics and energy workers will be just as respected in every single industry, across every walk of life, the way every other industry is. We're not there yet, but we have a lot of work to do. It's our work to do, not theirs in accepting us. It's our work to show them that they can respect us, that we do have. You know, we're holding responsibility. We have integrity and the value that we bring to the table because of the work that we're doing on ourselves and because of the alignment and the mastery of our craft, and that is super important. Not these, you know, somebody called them the other day. They were like, like, Tiktok, tarot card readers. And I'm like, not that, not that. It's really the people who see and understand the art that we do and how we can bring such immense change and value to the world by doing that. I think it's such
an important way that you said it too. It's it's an art so there is an art form to it, and to the specificity of it, to giving specific details, to knowing what you're talking about, I guess is what you're saying. I think people don't realize as well. This has been a lot of people's little secret forever. I mean, I've been working with very high power leaders secretly that want to know. Okay, these are the deals I'm looking at, or these are the companies we're looking at, and what can you tell me? For me, it's like, what more? What can I know? Can I What can i What can I know about the culture here, about the trajectory, about their vision for where they're taking? You know, all the little bits that someone might want when they're making that type of decision. And governments have been using it, militaries have been using it forever. And so I think you're right. We're not there yet, but I can feel that energy too. And it's who knows, maybe it won't even be quite in our lifetime that it's to the degree that I think it one day will be, but we're certainly on the path,
right? Yeah, I agree with you. I don't know that we will see it and the way that we want to see it, but you're right. Like high powered people use it, it's the middleman that doesn't, and most of the world is the true middleman, and that's where we have to be integrated into because the leaders, they know it, it's like the best kept secret, yeah, but we have been trained not to trust it and not to trust ourselves in our own intuition, and that's what we have to change totally.
Will you talk a little bit more about how you help people today in your work? Like, what does your work look like now? What kind of questions are people coming to you with on a one on one situation? I know you also lead groups and communities, yeah.
So I do a couple different things. One aspect of my business is because I can do anything in the spirit world and in the psychic world and energetic world, I can teach anybody how to do anything. And so I have different levels of psychic development. And this includes, I do medical intuition. I do physical healing, soul healing, Shaman work, Wiccan work, or regular psychic mediumship, you name it. I teach it on multiple different levels, even animal communication. So I have a psychic development aspect of my business, both private masterminds group programs as well as a community, like a membership community, even a free level one and the other aspect of my business. I do readings and consulting for companies, and I do minimal readings. I tell people, like, I can do it. Like, I can tell you exactly who you're meet, when you're going to meet, how many children you're going to have. I can tell you about stuff I don't enjoy doing it. I love doing the really deep like, here's the potentials that exist. Here's what I see with inside of corporations, with reading the energetics, reading the blueprints of a company, just looking at all the different dynamics. So I do a lot of that, and do soul readings, blue seven figure blueprint readings. If somebody's meant to have a seven figure business, I can see their blueprint. So I help people to really tap into that soul, and that soul understanding, the spiritual understanding, whether it's business or themselves, personally. So I do a lot of consulting on that aspect. What a busy
lady you must be. Yes, right? And I know everything's on your website, Carrie,
right? Yeah, yep, that's where most of my links are, or on social media. I'm just it's Carrie Cardoza on all social media. And
of course, we'll have everything linked in the show notes to make it easy peasy for everyone to find. And I know your community seems so interesting because I was kind of poking through them. And there are many layers. So even if someone's maybe not ready for a bigger program, they can join your list and kind of just start getting in that pool right and understanding
the way, yeah, I have things that are free, such as, like, you know, my spirit team masterclass is completely free about how to bring your spirit team in and what they're, you know, what, what your spirit team should be made up to to low investment, you know, under $99 all the way up to my big master, psychic master, psychic mastermind, is a $25,000 investment. So it's on all levels.
But, I mean, I think it's, it's there are profound tools that you can teach too, that are, you know, something that the individual takes with them for life. It's just more deeply understanding things about ourselves that we probably don't know are happening already. Yeah,
well, I It's a really cool story. I wear. With a woman who works a lot in China, and she works with energy masters in China. And she came back the other day, and she was like, Do you know that the energy masters, I taught them how to work with energetics in a different way? And they were like, where did you learn this? We have never seen anybody work with energetics like this. She's like, so thanks for teaching me. And I was like, You're welcome. So we do it is an intense it can take you deeper than anyone has ever taken before. I teach things that nobody else is teaching that's cool, so it's really powerful. So, and you're
my favorite too. When someone comes back and is like, I have someone that just did a whole different program, it's like, you know, I did this program, and I am working with clients, but I'm, I'm really, actually using everything that I learned from you. And it's like, well, yeah, because the information is either from a pure source or it's not. And there's, you know, 10 of two ways. And if it is like your work, they can use it across the board. It doesn't only have to be for business, right? It then, like we were talking about, becomes part of you and is in every area
of your life. Yeah? You use it in every area, yeah,
which is awesome. And, I mean, who doesn't, especially the temperature of things now, like, I keep telling people, you need your intuition more than ever. Maybe you need to be able to know what you're feeling. Or are you grounded? Are you ungrounded? Are you taking everyone else's information and who? What are you saying? You know what I mean. So more than
that, and even like getting out of fear and knowing what is your truth? Yeah, so important now is really recognizing your truth. Yeah,
and I don't know if you'll agree, I think you'll agree with this, but I also really have been highly, I think, always encouraging people, but making sure that we're making our own choices, decisions, what we say, how we move through the world, that's in integrity for us and what we know to be true. Yeah,
I agree with that. One of the things that you know, the way the world is right now, it actually is activating people's egos, and people are mistaking that as their soul, because they're not slowing down to really tune in. They're proving defending themselves, trying to make a point. But if we can tune into our soul and really connect with it, it is the most powerful way to lead in life, in this life today, and that's what I really encourage people do, is to really find that connection with your soul. There's no better relationship than that relationship with your soul. It's the most important relationship in your life. What I
what I've heard you say before that I really loved was that's really where confidence comes from. And I love the clarification you give that True Confidence. There's not an ego attachment to it. It's not from an egotistical place. It's just, it's from a soul place, right? Yeah,
it's connecting to that soul. The soul has all the answers. It has your road map. It knows what you can do. And it, it'll say, Yeah, you know, like, it doesn't use these words, but it'll be like, Yeah, you're gonna, this is gonna scare the junk out of you, and that's okay. I, you know, when Mike passed my I knew my soul was just like, this is horrible and it's okay, like, this is really bad and it's okay, it's going to be the most beautiful experience of your life once you navigate through it and it's okay. So the more that we can connect to our soul, it just kind of evens life out a little bit. So it's not so drastically up and down in fear and fighting and defending just becomes Okay, and it allows us to navigate things better, and it, you know, makes life so much more fulfilling, so much more fulfilling. Yeah, well, the
most important relationship we have is with ourself, first and foremost, right? Yes, for sure. Well, I've told you I was gonna do this. I would love to shift gears and do our spirit speed round. They're not hard questions. They're all about you, sure, and you can answer however you like. The first question is, will you share one thing that really shocked you or was unexpected about your gifts as you really came to understand them and work with them? Is there something shocking for you? Um,
I think the amount of amount of spirits and different energies that I can connect with that I thought there was, like, you should talk to one Spirit. So that really shocked me, of like, how much information there really is out there, and the way in which I received the information, like, I hear the spirits talking as if they're in the room. And that really shocked me. You don't hear about that a lot, so yeah,
that's really interesting. Not everyone has that objective. Claire audience, which is so cool. If you got to spend a day in the spirit world, got the full tour, you got to spend time with everyone you've ever known who's crossed over. It's almost time to return, and your guides tell you you have one hour left, and you can spend it with anyone who's on the other side. Who do you choose and why
it would be Mike? It would totally be Mike. I think my life has changed drastically since his passing, and I know we had a huge part in it, and there's so many things that have changed, and he would definitely be the person I
would spend it with. I'm sure he still has a part in continuing. Oh, I support you and encourage you to so I love that's a great answer. Even though we have spiritual gifts, we have very human lives. What's one quirky thing about you that people might be surprised to learn? Oh,
my gosh, God, I feel like there's a couple. I know that's
why I always feel like, Oh, I think I have a lot. Yeah.
I'm actually a baker. I own a bakery, cool so that, I guess that's maybe quirky about me. I'm not super, like, into boohoo stuff. A lot of people don't realize that, because I am psychic.
So maybe those, I guess. Do you do that? Do you run the bakery yourself? Do you choose the menu? Do you do the whole the whole thing? I
have a team that works there, like, so it's open now, but, yeah, I do the majority of the baking. So I go in at like, 430 in the morning sometimes and just bake.
Wow, that is a really cool, interesting, unexpected thing about Yeah,
like, I was there. We did renovations, so I was there last night till 1045 at night, baking to make sure we were up and ready to go for this morning. Wow, that's amazing. Yeah, I do have a great team. Great. I'm sure you must, yeah, the only way anything runs right, you can't be all the places, yeah, not all the time. Like, you make bagels and scones. And I'm like, Yeah, I don't like making scones, but yeah, I make all of that. Yeah, oh, I love
it. That's so cool. And it's nice to have another thing to pour your energy into.
Yeah. It's like, my potential time. It's like, you just go in, it's quiet. You bake, that's it. Yeah,
so cool. Will you leave us with a pearl of wisdom? What's one piece of advice you wish that you'd had earlier on in your understanding of your gifts?
Yeah, I would say the one piece of advice is get really good at being wrong. I speak this a lot, a lot of psychics like, the whole thing about being psychic is being right, is getting right information, is being accurate. Get really comfortable with being wrong, because there's so many lessons in the in the inaccuracy, in getting it wrong, and there's no shame in it, you know, let your ego go as you're learning to tap into your psychic abilities. That ego is just for one. It's going to block the right information from coming in, but it's going to hold you back when we're learning our psychic gifts if you get it right, often times, there's no drastic change in your life if you get it wrong, like they tell you to put your shoes on and you walk out of the house and don't put your shoes on, you're going to recognize it if you thought they told you to put your shoes on and you put them on, you're going to constantly be wondering, did I hear them? Did they actually say that? Or was it my head? So it we there's so much growth in the getting it wrong as a psychic, and it's going to get you to get to a place that you very rarely get it wrong. So allow yourself to be in that space. Yeah.
Oh, I love that. Well, thank you for being here today with us and sharing all of your wisdom. And anyone who is interested in learning more about you signing up for your newsletter, we'll send them to Carrie,, and again, all of that will be in the show notes. Thank you for being here and for shining your light. Thank you for having me. It's been a great time. Hey, beautiful souls. What an interesting conversation. What did you think about that? Did you resonate with some of the things that Carrie was talking about and with her stories? I don't even know how she has time to be a baker. It seems like she's doing a million things all the time, which, how wonderful. But I do agree with her that we're going to be having many more people with psychic gifts in leadership, and that more and more leaders are going to be seeking people with the ability to read energy and work with the energy, and these gifts are going to be only more and more highly, uh, sought after and valued. But again, like we always talk about here, you heard Carrie say it as well. It starts with us understanding our own energy, working with our own emotions, understanding our own intuition and how to use our gifts and manage our energy and emotion. So like everything, it all starts within. And I love that she really highlighted the importance of those relationships and meaningful connections in our life as being Paramount over just about everything else. So hopefully you have gained some insight and really enjoyed this conversation with Carrie Cardozo. I know I did make sure to check out her website in the show notes. And as always, thank you for joining me here. You are such an important part of the community. And the reason I do this, and if you're enjoying the episodes, I would love it if you would subscribe wherever you're listening and even leave a little review, it always means a lot because it so many people are listening to the podcast that aren't subscribed, but subscriptions help other people find the podcast. So please share this episode with a friend who you know is into psychic and woo, woo stuff, or at least a little bit curious to learn about it in a grounded way. And I would love it if you would like and subscribe to the pod. Big hugs. Lots of love. Bye for now from inside spirit speakeasy

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