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Free Community Energy Healing: August 2024 (Reiki, Chakra, Aura, Guidance)

Aug 15, 2024

💛Join me from the comfort of your own screen, sit back, relax and receive!!

🌈Receive Reiki healing, Chakra Balancing, Aura Clearing, grounding, timeline healing, cord cutting and an overall clearing & recharge

Yes, you can still receive healing on the replay! Whether you missed the live session or just want a healing between sessions, use this replay to receive :)

Spirit Speakeasy episode for 8 Themes of 2024 episode (it's been fun to see how these themes have shown up so far and what is coming for the rest of 2024!):


Full Transcript:

This is our free monthly community healing for the month of August. I'm so happy to welcome you guys in. We have taken a little break for summer. We missed we skipped June and July, and now we're back. And the schedule is up for the rest of 2024 so if you guys are wondering and wanting to mark your calendars. If you go to the website, joyful in the event section, you'll see all the dates through the rest of the year. If you want to invite somebody else, that's the place to send them. They can read about it and register. If you got the email for this one, you'll get the email for all of them. But sometimes it's nice to know when things are so essentially, what we do in these sessions is, I love doing healing. It's been such an important part of my journey, and I love sharing it. And I think we all can use community so much right now with these ever changing times, I think just when we think everything's going to settle into a normal it's topsy turvy, and this year is no exception. And I don't know if you all are feeling the energy kind of ramping up even through this month, I expect it to keep ramping up through the fall. For those of you that know me, I do weekly readings to kind of look at the energy potential for that week. So if you're someone that likes to have a heads up, I send those out in the emails too, or you can find them in the blog section of the website. But really these we're focusing on healing. So in just a few minutes, we will do a little guided meditation, and I just walk you into a space. Just follow me where we go, and let your imagination create visual experiences for you, and really see if you can mentally put yourself into the place that I'm going to guide you into. And then when I start the healing portion, I'll become quiet. I used to do music, but I've found through several helpful emails over the years that some people's speakers make the music sound more, I don't know, distracting than helpful. So you can feel free to put on some music for yourself if you need it. But once I guide you in, I do the healing silently. And what we're doing in there is a few different things. So I'm a Reiki Master Healer, which, for those of you that don't know, Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing that really takes the key or chi that is all around us and directs it through your systems to help your body heal and balance itself. You can receive healing on the live version and equally on the replay, which is pretty cool. And I also am trained in trance healing, which is essentially moving myself to a deeper meditative state and letting my guides heal through me. And with all of that, we are doing a bit of Reiki infusion, so infusing your energy a bit of chakra clearing and balancing, same with the aura. We'll do some clearing and balancing. I do healing with color as well, so I'll be infusing you guys with some color. And then sometimes I'm looking at the timeline and setting some healing out on the timeline. But once the healing portion is done, I'll guide you back from meditation. And then sometimes I will have a little something to say based on what I experience in there. Sometimes that something is a couple minutes long, and sometimes it's really short. So I try to keep this session to an hour, just because I respect your time, and I know you're all so busy, and I'm grateful for all of you being here. I saw a comment come across? Oh, you missed because you thought you missed because you were traveling. Okay, well, perfect timing. Then we're all back together. And like I said, all the dates are up for the rest of the year, and I am working on things so things are always coming out. Are you guys ready to do some healing and meditation. All right? I do like to say too sometimes, if we're newer to meditation, especially guided meditation, we can kind of get in our head a bit and think, I used to think, anyway, am I doing this right? Is something happening? Just know that if you're if you feel like you're feeling something or not something's happening, it's okay to just let whatever comes to your imagination come and if thoughts come in and you feel a little bit distracted, just refocus to your breath and just kind of pay attention to that inhale and exhale to bring you back. There's nothing bad that can happen. It's all positive, and my intention is always your for your highest and greatest good Emma saying, If I pin myself, I'm just so not techie. Okay. Oh, thank you. Hey, look it you guys are. I appreciate the help always. So thanks for that. All right. Well, let's just dive in. So wherever you are, Ron, I know you're in the car, so I'm glad you're somewhere safe and pull. Dober, but please be in a safe space to be doing this, whether you're live or on the replay. And I just invite you to gently start to let your eyes rest closed, good. No need to slam them shut. But just be with ease and just start gently, energetically, saying hello to your physical body and noticing if there's anywhere that needs to be adjusted or supported or made more comfortable. And you can always move or adjust at any time, but I always say it's nice to start from a comfortable place, good, and then just start to let yourself gently, easily, become aware of that gentle inhale and exhale, and as we work, just letting that breathing become just a little easier, a little more relaxed, a Little more rhythmic, but not needing to change or control your breathing in any way. And if you feel in moments that you want to take a nice, deep inhale, you can do that at any time now with each breath, just imagine letting your physical body relax a little bit more,

letting your mind relax a little bit more,
almost like you're putting a pause on time and space and just being here, present in this moment, allowing yourself to receive. I know as sensitives, we are often all working on letting ourselves receive. So I'm so proud of each of you
for being here to receive
good and just start to let your awareness move into the center of your head all the way in right behind your eyes. Sometimes we're thinking forward or thinking about something in another room or another part of the day, just bringing all of that awareness right into the center of your head now, just gently, easily, nothing special you need to do to make that happen, except focusing your Attention, just letting yourself be right behind your eyes,
good and
from this space right in the center of you, just get a sense of that personal space bubble all around you. That's your org field,
and we all have one.
We most commonly know it as our personal space bubble, so I use those interchangeably, and just let your bubble be like an egg of energy all around you, but an arm's distance on all sides of you, and just your intention is enough to make that happen. You can get a sense behind, above, below, in front, either side, just sitting in this beautiful egg of your own energy. Good. Now I just want you to imagine a soft, warm, golden light starting to filter into your bubble. Maybe it's rising up from below you. Maybe it's swirling in like a gentle breeze. Maybe it's raining down, but however you sense or imagine it, just allow that golden light to start enveloping you, filling all of your auric bubble. You might notice yourself relaxing a little bit deeper still,
becoming a little bit more comfortable. Just
know that this golden light is here to support you, to aid in your healing and to gently comfort your energy. Sometimes I like to think of it as almost like a golden honey light. Good. I'm letting that fill all the spaces above you, below you, behind you, good.
Take a few breaths here,
and this egg is also gonna hold your energy so that you can move your awareness and let yourself play with your imagination, with your subtle sensing, your psychic sensing, is really what it is. I just know not everyone's comfortable with those words, but just start to let your awareness drift off. Imagine moving your mind to a beautiful forest, and this forest feels almost enchanted. Somehow it's.
It is still
but buzzing with energy. You can imagine the trees lush and green. You might hear some unidentifiable birds off in the distance. Let yourself start to feel that earth beneath your feet, almost finding a path through that beautiful, mystical forest space. Just let your awareness start to gently move down that pathway, getting a sense in your imagination, in your mind's eye. Is that pathway firm like packed dirt, well worn? Is it grassy? Is there a pathway at all? Is it just meandering through the bit of forest floor that you can sense or see, and as you move deeper and deeper into this lush healing forest, let yourself get a sense of light streaming through that lush greenery all around You, almost spiritual light, soft and easy, glowing, comfortable inviting you deeper and deeper into this healing forest. Good, then just let your awareness be drawn to a tree. Off to one side,
there are many to choose from.
You can just pick one that you like, or that feels beckoning to you, just let your awareness move closer and closer towards this tree. Imagine taking a gentle scan, looking up all the way through those branches that tree just stretching high into the space.
Imagine understanding a bit more about that bark.
Is it smooth? Is it thick? Does it have nooks and crannies? What's the color?
What's the texture,
gently letting your imagination or your mind's eye, scan down. See how that tree connects to the earth. Notice that root system, that system of nourishment and communication with the forest all around and let yourself gently wander to the far side of that tree, just wandering around it, noticing the diameter. Is it really thick, like a gorgeous giant redwood tree? Is it smaller, like a forest tree you've seen before? And as you make your way to the other side of that beautiful tree trunk. Just let yourself start to settle your awareness almost like sitting right against the base of the tree, nestling into that thick, supportive root system, feeling the earth firm beneath you. Imagine leaning your back right up against that tree. This tree is ancient and solid and tapped directly into divine wisdom and can offer a safe space. You may be aware of beautiful branches overhead, creating soft canopies for you, and just let yourself meld into this tree. Let it hold you, let it ground you, and let it support you. For this healing experience in just a moment, I would have become quiet
and just keep yourself in this forest space.
If your energy should move you to have a different experience, just allow it, but no need to think about anything. Just let yourself be.
And you might even start to become aware of
some fireflies, lightning bugs, gently flickering in the distance. Just know that everything that shows up is there to support your healing, even if you don't feel anything at all, being at one with this mystical forest, letting your soul guide this experience for you, I'm going to become quiet and work in your space for about 20 minutes, and then I'll bring you back. Let yourself continue to breathe and remember should thoughts come in? Just return to your breath. Return to your tree, return to your sacred forest space. I'll bring you back in Just a little Bit. You
From this mystical forest space under this wonderful, wise tree. Just get a sense of your space again, feeling that earth beneath you. And we're just going to do a little grounding into this magical, mystical space. You can take this energy with you from that root chakra in your tailbone area. Just imagine creating a grounding cord, almost like a root of your own, and imagine digging it deep, deep into the earth in this forest, just like all of the other roots
through all the layers
deep into that ground that's so steeped in all of the wisdom, all of the healing You might need, and letting that grounding cord that root anchor in somewhere. You can even imagine giving it a little gentle tug just to make sure it's really anchored in there. And from that space that you're sitting under the tree, imagine allowing some of that earth energy to rise up through the soles of your feet.
All the way up
through the feet, through the lower legs, through the knees, all the way up through your thighs, through your hips, and letting that earth energy swirl into a figure eight, right in that pelvic area, good, and from the top of your head where that crown chakra is, just imagine letting that tree pour down over you some of that universal wisdom, energy, that true soul self energy, even if you don't know what that is, you can imagine it as a light or a color or glitter, whatever you like. Imagine letting that pour down over the top of the head, down the back of the head, back of the neck, between your shoulder blades, continuing down that spine, behind your heart, through your low back, and letting that energy meet and Mix in that figure eight pattern, that pelvic area and requesting, just with your intention, that those energies be mixed in the perfect proportion for you in this next little period of time, going forward on your journey, and letting that perfectly blended energy roll right back up the front of your body, up the front of your torso, up over your solar plexus, up through your rib cage, letting that energy spread out through all your ribs, up over your collar bones, up through the throat, washing up over your face and creating a beautiful loop of energy. Can even imagine that energy flushing out the top of your crown like a spout, washing down all of your auric field?
Good. Just take a few breaths here,
really just soaking up the last little bits of this mystical forest. You can return here anytime you need or like good
I know I want you to just
allow if you have a specific concern in your life currently, something that's been on your heart or on your mind, a decision you need to make. Just let that rise into your heart space right now, and let it be a sincere question. Let it be something that's either weighing on you or has really been nudging you or on your mind. Maybe it's something you need to do that you're uncertain about or fearful or nervous. Maybe it's just something. That's a little bit outside of your comfort zone that you're wanting some extra support when you have that thought or the idea of that emotion. Just imagine right next to you, under that tree, imagine digging or creating a little hole, or about
the size of a baseball.
And just imagine whispering that worry or that concern or that thing that you want some guidance or help with right into that little hole in the soil. And you can even just send that thought or that energy from your heart space into that little hole, giving it over
to this tree.
And when you've put it in the hole, just imagine gently covering it back up with Earth. Imagine the root system of that tree from far beneath, coming to retrieve your request and being available for some guidance to be delivered, either through your intuition, through something you're drawn to Listen to, or see through guidance from someone else
over the next few days, good,
and now, from this space in this beautiful forest, I just want you to gently start to Let your awareness drift back around to the other side of that tree, the direction from which you came. And you might even imagine giving that tree a big, giant, energetic hug, thanking it for its support, its guidance, for holding you for this little healing period. Again, you can return here in your own meditation anytime you like, and just giving a little gratitude to this tree, and then just start to let your awareness gently find that path that you came into this forest on, and as you move your awareness to that path, let it start to lead you back the way you came again, being aware of that gentle light streaming through the trees and foliage, maybe the lights changed a little bit in The time you've been here, being aware again of any sights or sounds as you move your awareness back up that path, good and just gently, softly, slowly, letting your awareness move all the Way back into the center of your head, letting yourself move back to that space behind your eyes, and as you do, just let yourself get a sense of that auric bubble again, all filled With that golden light, that sacred healing, loving, nurturing, honey like energy and from that space in the center of your head, sensing, feeling, imagining that light around you, just imagine letting that light start to permeate Not only your auric field, but your physical body. Imagine letting that light fill you in good
filling in every cell
into your bones all the way down to your toe tips and fingertips. You might even imagine breathing in that rich, golden light, good. Just take a couple more breaths here, maybe some nice inhales and exhales again, gently saying hello to that physical body with each breath, gently allowing yourself to become more aware of the place that you're Sitting, more aware of the light around you, the temperature of the air touching your skin, more aware of present time and space, and when you start to feel ready, you can gently move or stretch. And when you feel all the way ready, you can gently start to blink your eyes open, coming all the way back to me.
Good. And for those of you that want, I always love when you guys turn your videos back on, so I know that you're back. I do have a little a little guidance to share, but I want to make sure you're all back and feeling good. There you are. Okay. I'm feeling you all pop back now. Good. Well, those of you that have been with me a while might remember that at the beginning of the year in December, on the podcast spirit speakeasy, we talked about this being an eight year. And one of the reminders that I just want to share is if you think about the eight on its side, that figure eight infinity symbol, and think about the way a marble might move over that symbol, that's sort of the energy of this year, really ramping up, up that hill, feeling like we're pushing, but also ramping up and and then really quickly moving around the edge and then kind of climbing again. So it's this very fast, slow, push, pull energy. We're gonna really finish out the ear strong with that type of energy. So just be aware that things might be feeling in the next couple weeks, particularly like they're like, they're really moving quickly, almost like, like the timeline is moving too fast for you, or like there's so much on your schedule that suddenly I just was talking to someone, I think, this morning, and I was like, This is Wednesday. Is this Wednesday? So just be making sure you're anchoring into the day on your calendar present time checking in with yourself. Because sometimes, when things start moving so fast, we're not checking in with our physical body, our emotions being available to notice that guidance, whatever you put in your little hole under the tree, and that might come in as synchronicity. It might come in as someone mentioning something to you or sharing something to check out. It might just come as your own inspiration or intuition. If you are getting little inspiration, it's a great time to be making a note between now and the next session of healing is September 19, which I think is also a Thursday. The other little thing in there, so there's a couple different things we did. We did. We did all the things I was talking about at the beginning. And then I was also guided to I was aware that several of you, and several people who are going to be watching on the replay are actually having some physical discomforts, kind of like neck pain, low back pain, internal things happening for some of some people. So I set a big, beautiful bubble for the physical healing out in front of each of you when you were at your tree and just invited you to draw from it what you needed. So just be aware of the physical body, not in an alarmist way, but if there's something that is, you know, take the be taking extra time to stretch, extra time to move your body, if you can gentle movements, fine. But if something is kind of lingering, it's a good time to get things checked out before, before the very end of the year really ramps us into a whole different energy as we make that transition. The other bit is around our communication space. So I always fill you all in with the the colors of the chakras, and kind of boost all of your colors. But there was some extra blue that needed to come in, and Blue has to do with communication in all its forms. There was some extra guidance in there as well, which I'm sure you've heard me say before about, you know, we all know that idea of reacting versus responding, and we want to make sure we're responding and not just having a reaction that we're gonna have to clean up later. So it might feel, especially in the next couple weeks, this urgency to, like, give a quick answer, make a quick decision. And that's valid sometimes, but when you can be taking, you know, the night to sleep on something, or getting some wise counsel, or even if it's I have to get this decision made today. Can you take a walk around the block with it and just move the energy and see if there's anything you might not be noticing, see if there's more communication to have, and with the communication, making sure, you know, it's kind of like when we're in a Mercury Retrograde, dotting the i's crossing the t's double, reading everything, making sure that the information that you're conveying is being received in the way that it's intended, and vice versa. So if you're feeling offended or. Or like abrasive energy from someone be checking in and saying, Well, the way I'm hearing that kind of feels like this, is this what you mean? Because I just keep seeing for the next four to six weeks, like prime time for misunderstandings. So it's not to say that's gonna happen, but it's always good to have a little heads up when there's something we can be looking at or doing. And I think always taking time for yourself is good. So like I said at the top, I'm proud of you all for getting here to receive, because I know as sensitive sometimes receiving feels hard and replenishing for all of the hard work that you're all doing in your lives, all of the love that you're giving and all of the people that you're caring for near and far. So I'm so grateful to all of you for being here. I hope to continue to see you guys throughout the rest of the year. I will get the recording for this out within the next couple of days. It takes some time to process, and then I have to do some techie stuff on the back end to embed it and send it out. So it's gonna be a couple days. You're so welcome, lots of love. And I, I'm just so grateful for you guys being here, not only for yourselves, but to support and hold space for each other. So I think you are all beautiful souls, and I'm grateful for each and every one of you. Lots of love. Big hugs.

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