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🐲Blessings, Blowouts, & Cautions for Both: Weekly Reading- Guidance, Energy, & Potentials for March 28- April 4

Mar 28, 2025

🐲Blessings, Blowouts, & Cautions for Both:  Weekly Reading- Guidance, Energy, & Potentials for March 28- April 4 

🕺🏻One steps forward, two steps back was March’s dance. April seems just as back-and-forth in the energy, at least in the first two weeks.

💡The “new opportunity”, “next chapter”, “next step opportunity” card is showing up this week again! Spirit will be knocking on your door with a blessing- Cautions below!

⚔️You may be feeling “trapped” or “stuck” this week but be careful being iso focused on this that you’re allowing inspiration, new opportunity or flow to come in. 

🏝️Spirit’s advice about this? Chill. Take a rest. Go for a walk. The journey has been long, sometimes we need a break to regroup and recenter before we can possibly move ahead in a new direction or with fresh energy. 

⏰You may also be feeling like you’re juggling, frazzled or super busy, even if it involves lots of good things. Notice any feelings of resentment, resistance or anger and be sure to process them as much as possible. 

🛑 Caution from spirit: if you continue to stew on the old or tough emotions you are literally going to miss an opportunity coming in from spirit. You need to let go of what is NOT serving you and get a perspective shift, attitude adjustment or maybe just a good release. 

🌊It is beyond import to refocus your energy in a positive way right now. How do you do that? Get a rest or an unplug! Don’t be so lost in emotions of the past that you don’t see the wave of your future. 



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